Banana Chocolate Chip Chia Pudding

What in the world is chia and why do you want it? Chia is a tiny, black seed that expands when liquid is added. It’s become more popular recently because of the health benefits it provides. They are high in fiber, protein, and calcium. They are rich in Omega 3’s, B vitamins, iron, phosphorous, zinc …. you get the idea; they are a superfood!

Chia pudding is great for breakfast, snack, or dessert. There are so many variations that this post could go on forever but instead of boring you like that, let’s just get to the recipe.


  • 1/3 c chia seeds
  • 1 c nondairy milk (almond, cashew, coconut, oat)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 c Enjoy Life chocolate chips (or other nondairy brand)
  • 1 banana (mashed) **

** sweetener – you may want a sweeter taste than what the banana will provide; feel free to add a little maple syrup, coconut sugar, or honey


Mix all the ingredients together in a container, I love to use a mason jar (super convenient for meal prep). Refrigerate for several hours (or overnight) until a pudding-like consistency is reached. This recipe keeps for up to 5 days in the refrigerator. What other mix in’s will you try? Peanut butter? Berries? So many possibilities.

Healthy and happy eating!!

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