Do you remember your P.E. classes?
Do you remember your P.E. classes? What is your earliest memory of P.E.? For me, it's elementary school and doing the flexed arm hang for the Presidential Fitness testing. I have NO idea what that meant at that time, I just remember having to hang on a bar, keeping...
3 Ingredient Easy Breakfast Hash
3 Ingredient Easy Breakfast HashThere are a few meals around here that are our “go to’s” and this is close to the top of the list. 3 ingredients and simple enough to double or triple for meal prep! Not only is this meal a great breakfast, but it can serve as lunch,...
Do you set goals for the new year?
Do you set goals for the new year? It's that time of year again! When a new year comes, it feels like the perfect time for a fresh start. A new beginning, a chance to make the changes you've been putting off. But when the new year comes, do you find yourself still...
Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies
Who says you can't have cookies for breakfast? Let's just decide here and now that it's okay to have cookies for breakfast. Mmmmkay? Just as long as they are these homemade Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies!! These cookies are so soft and delicious! You will start with the...
Chicken Apple Breakfast Sausage
This Breakfast Sausage is Delicious! Have you ever looked closely at the nutrition label on a package of sausage? So many brands add sugar to their sausage. You read that right, sugar!! How about a delicious sausage variation that you make at home AND has no...
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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information presented (and the programs offered) by Tracy Carey and/or are for informational and educational purposes only. Information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases, or to be a substitute for medical or professional advice. You should always seek your doctor’s approval before beginning any fitness, diet, or exercise program.