Do you remember your P.E. classes?

What is your earliest memory of P.E.? For me, it’s elementary school and doing the flexed arm hang for the Presidential Fitness testing. I have NO idea what that meant at that time, I just remember having to hang on a bar, keeping your chin above the bar, for as long as possible. Meanwhile, your classmates stood there and watched. I was actually pretty good at this test and maybe that’s why I remember it.

After that, it was middle school. Dressing out for class and dreading it. I was excited my 8th grade year because I had P.E. at the very end of the day and didn’t have to worry about getting sweaty (I lived in Arizona so ….) and changing back to my regular clothes only to go about the rest of my school day. Honestly, I remember nothing else about middle school P.E. Okay maybe some of the friends I made but that’s it.

High school was different. We had choices: weight room, dance, regular P.E. (you know sports skills and such). There might have been other choices, but I don’t remember (I graduated in 1990 so it’s been a while, LOL). I took dance because I loved it! I finally had a P.E. class that I enjoyed and maybe even learned something. I mean, I probably learned something but again, I don’t remember what it was anymore!

One thing I can say about P.E. in my experience, it was okay. I didn’t love it. I didn’t hate it. That was my experience, pretty neutral. But that’s not the case for everyone. I talked to friends and family to see what they remember. See which one you relate with, or maybe you have an experience of your own.

Experience #1
I hated going to P.E. so much I would write excuse notes and forge my Mom’s signature

Experience #2
Elementary P.E. was about playing and having fun. Once things changed (in middle and high school) to competitive in nature, it wasn’t fun anymore. Especially for a non-athlete. I hated it.

Experience #3
I remember having a peg board on the wall in our gym that we (the students) always wanted to try. We never got to try it! I think it was because the P.E. teacher was out of shape and probably couldn’t even do it. I don’t remember anything else.

Experience #4
I remember running the mile in junior high, but honestly, I don’t remember a lot about P.E. I think I blocked it out because I hated P.E.

Experience #5
I remember from Elementary P.E. playing all the old school dodgeball games and it was always really fun. I also remember that big, round, colorful tarp that we would all throw in the air and then run under and hold down the sides.  Maybe I need to do that again!  LOL! (You know that’s not a bad idea, playing with the big, round, colorful tarp (aka parachute) as an adult!! Hmmmmm ….. but that’s another blog for another day!!)

Do you notice a common theme here? Not one of these experiences reflect anything that was actually learned!! Most of these experiences don’t reflect anything positive. To me, there is definitely something wrong with this picture!

Keeping kids healthy and teaching them HOW to be healthy is where it’s at! Lifestyle health and fitness, things they can do as kids, teens, young adults, and into adulthood, that’s what we need to be teaching. Giving them opportunities to experience a variety of activities so they can find something that they enjoy. You know you are more likely to do something active when you enjoy it!

These experiences (most likely) have impacted the way we view physical activity today. Maybe you hated P.E. so now you feel like being active is a chore. Maybe you loved P.E. and you still love physical activity today. No matter which one you are, we can do better. Starting the foundations of a healthy lifestyle as kids, and continuing that through the most important adolescent years, will shape the future for our kids and their relationship with physical activity.

Let’s not build another generation of kids who feel ‘meh’ about moving their body. Let’s educate and empower them!! Then they are able to make the choices that are best for their lifestyle and their health!!

Live Healthy. Live Happy.

~ Coach Tracy C.